Named for the Kalmiopsis Wilderness, the Kalmiopsis Audubon Society has been the primary local conservation advocacy group in Curry County for more than 40 years.

ROOTED DEEP IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES, our grassroots organization advocates on behalf of hundreds of Curry County citizens for conservation, responsible land use, and good stewardship of our public lands and wild rivers.

OUR MISSION IS TO PROTECT THE EXTRAORDINARY AND DIVERSE NATURAL HABITATS OF SOUTHWEST OREGON — including old-growth forests, stunning coastlines, and wild rivers — for birds, fish, wildlife, and future generations.

Find out more about what we do by exploring the pages on this site (click on the main menu headers to learn about who we are and what we do, and explore the drop-down menus and links for more). If you are viewing on a small device the menu may be hidden, indicated by three stacked bars that will reveal the menu when you click them. Enjoy!

Our Newsletter


Our quarterly newsletter, The Storm Petrel, is the best source for news about local issues of wildlife and environment on the South Coast.

It is named for the Leach’s storm petrels that live a pelagic life over the Pacific and nest in burrows on grassy islands off our coast – the closest they come to shore. There is a large storm petrel colony located on the sea stacks near Brookings.

The Storm Petrel has repeatedly won awards from the National Audubon Society as the best newsletter for a chapter of our size! Free copies can be picked up at libraries in Port Orford, Gold Beach, and Brookings. If you are a member of Kalmiopsis Audubon, you will receive your copy in the mail. The “Petrel” is generally mailed in late January, April, July and October. You can help with the newsletter by volunteering at our mailing parties. Please contact Ann for more information at ann at kalmiopsisaudubon dot org.

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Conservation News Winter 2025, UPDATE

By Ann Vileisis Shortly after our most recent quarterly Kalmiopsis Audubon Storm Petrel newsletter was published in January, the Curry County Board of Commissioners (BOC) proposed two emergency resolutions related to wild fire risks, one to assume so-called “constitutional management authority” and another to “invoke policing powers of the state to assert unilateral authority to …